About me

Who I am and what I do.
I am a PhD student at CentraleSupélec (Rennes) since October 2015. My PhD supervisors are : Pascal COTRET, Guillaume HIET, Vianney Lapôtre, Guy Gogniat and Christophe MOY.  The thesis work is done in the frame of HardBlare project which is funded by CominLabs (50%) and Brittany region (50%). Before starting my PhD, I received an engineering degree in embedded systems from ENSEA and a M.Sc. in embedded autonomous systems from Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP). I am interested in computer science, software/hardware security and embedded systems. IETR, SCEE Research Group (Signal, Communications & Embedded Electronics) UMR CNRS 6164, CentraleSupélec Rennes Avenue de la Boulaie CS 47601 35576 Cesson-Sévigné Cedex – FRANCE Email: muhammadabdul.wahab@domain_name Replace domain_name by centralesupelec.fr.